

Cv ya Hon. Juma Selemani Nkamia

Hon. Juma Selemani Nkamia

Member Type : Constituent Member
Constituent : Chemba
Political Party : CCM
Phone : +255768711707
P.O Box : P.O Box 830 KONDOA
Email Address : j.nkamia@bunge.go.tz
Date of Birth : 1972-01-01

Education History :

School Name/Location Course/Degree/Award From To Level
University of Dodoma Bachelor of Arts in International Relations 2012 2015 Bachelor
Sengerema Secondary School - 1989 1990 Secondary School
Mzumbe Secondary School ACSEE 1990 1992 Secondary School
Mpwapwa Secondary School CSEE 1985 1988 Secondary School
Iyoli Primary School CPEE 1980 1984 Primary School
Tanzania School of Journalism Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication 1996 1999 Primary School
Bicha Primary School - 1978 1980 Primary School

Employment History :

Company/Institution Position From To
Voice of America (VOA-USA) Editor 2008 2010
Tanzania Broadcasting Cooperation (TBC) Editor 2006 2007
British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) Presenter/Journalist 2003 2006
Radio Tanzania Presenter 1995 2003

Political Experience :

Political Party Position From To
Parliament of Tanzania Member of the Parliament 2015 2020
Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports Deputy Minister 2013 2015
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member of the District Executive Council 2012 Todate
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member of the Meeting 2010 Todate
Parliament of Tanzania Member of the Parliament 2010 2015
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member of the General National Meeting

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