

Cv ya Hon. Andrew John Chenge

Hon. Andrew John Chenge

Member Type : Constituent Member
Constituent : Bariadi
Political Party : CCM
Phone : +255784782577
P.O Box : P.O Box 11958, Dar Es Salaam
Email Address : a.chenge@bunge.go.tz
Date of Birth : 1948-12-24

Education History :

School Name/Location Course/Degree/Award From To Level
Harvard University LL.M 1974 1975 Masters Degree
University of Dar Es Salaam Bachelor of Laws(LL.B) 1969 1972 Bachelor
St.Mary's Seminary Nyegezi mwanza O-Level Cambrige Certificate 1963 1966 Secondary School
Mkwawa high School ACSEE 1967 1968 Secondary School
Sasago Primary School - 1955 1958 Primary School
St. Pius Seminary Makoko Musoma CPEE 1959 1962 Primary School

Employment History :

Company/Institution Position From To
Ministry of East African Co-operation Minister 2006 2006
Ministry of Infrastucture Minister 2006 2008
United Republic of Tanzania Attorney General 1993 2005
United Republic of Tanzania Deputy Attorney General 1990 1992
United Republic of Tanzania State Attorney 1972 1990

Political Experience :

Political Party Position From To
Parliament of Tanzania Member of the Parliament 2015 2020
Budget Committee of the Parliament Member 2015 2015
Budget Committee of the Parliament Chairman 2013 2015
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member-National Executive Council 2012 2012
Economics and Finance Committeee of Parliament Chairman 2012 2013
Parliament of Tanzania Member of the Parliament 2010 2015
Economics and Finance Committee of the Parliament Member 2008 2010
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member-Central Committee 2007 2007
Chama cha Mapinduzi Member-National Executive Council 2007 2007
Parliament of Tanzania Member of the Parliament 2005 2010
United Republic of Tanzania Attorney General (AG) 1993 2005

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